
How To Deal With Depression.

    Depression. Ugh just looking at the word makes me sad as fuck. I'm sure at least one of you can relate. Especially if you are living in the United States, soo many of us deal with depression at least once at some point in our lives. For some people, they have to manage depression everyday. It seems as if depression is a topic that is swept under the rug. We know this to be common especially in the black community. It goes something like "No you are not depressed, you're fine." or "You'll get over it, everything will be okay." And while encouraging words are great, it is way more complicated than that. Depression isn't something you can patch with a band aid hoping that it will heal and go away on it's own. We are depressed when we are out of alignment with who we truly are.We get depressed when traumatic events happen in our lives. We also get depressed when we are in resistance to where we are at in life. These are just a few reasons an...

The Journey To Being Vegan

(rare photo of me imitating being my best vegan and consuming herb) ON A JOURNEY TO BEING VEGAN    Have you ever had the thought of going vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian? Shit, I never thought I would. People often ask me what made me change my eating habits. It was not until after I realized that I didn't want to eat meat anymore during my spiritual awakening. That is the first time my body began rejecting foods, especially meat. I barely had an appetite for a few months after that. I realized how important protecting your body from impure and harsh toxins is, and begin to nourish it with the right foods. After my spiritual awakening I tried eating meat but it wasn't the same experience I used to have when I ate it. It wasn't juicy and delicious it was so disgusting to me. I realized meat was rubbery and disgusting if you don't season it. So what is so great about it? Every time I cooked meat I saw it so differently. The blood and flesh in the pan really made...

A Models Guide to Getting Signed.

     A MODELS GUIDE TO GETTING SIGNED.     Do you feel like you have what it takes to be a signed model, but aren't sure how to get started? When I first made the decision of wanting to be signed with Wilhelmina, I had no idea how it was going to happen. I just knew I really wanted to be represented by one of the top agencies in the universe. But that intention alone was enough to set me out on my journey.     When I began modeling as a creative outlet in college, I was doing everything by myself. I was creating my own outfits and doing my own make up for every shoot. I was shooting often, and over time I had developed a portfolio that showed a range of different fashion looks and modeling poses. I took my portfolio into a Wilhelmina open call, and within a month I was signed. BAM. Just like that. LOL, jk. It was more complex than that. I will share with you my knowledge and wisdom on my experience, and what you should expect ou...

The Magic of Writing.

    The Magic of Writing.  I was 13 years old sitting in front of the T.V. with my best friend Alexis watching a man tell me that if I wrote down all of my heart's desires and believe I already had it, so it will be. WOW that's it? That's all I have to do to get what I want? We were watching "The Secret" on Netflix. The movie spoke about the Law of Attraction and manifestation. Watching The Secret resonated with my soul and I had a knowing that everything said in that film was true.   Fast forward to 2016, I am 21 years old and I am in my room during the week of Christmas sad because I wanted to buy my family presents, but I was broke as fuck. LOL. At that time I had "I am a Wilhelmina model" written down in the notes section in my phone, but I had never had a manifestation journal before. I always loved writing and had been getting the urge to write more often. So I took a binder I no longer needed from one of my Sociology classes, put ...